Monday, May 11, 2009


Turning 18 is a very prestigious phase in one’s life. You don’t get to give a birthday party at home, you are too old for that, but there are a number of compensations. The one that I looked forward to after I turned eighteen was my right to vote. I have always heard opinions of the public about voting. The latest one to reach my ears was “picking out the best out of the bad lot”. Well I did want to try that.

My name had been registered 5 months ago but even when the day for voting neared I did not come by my election card. All my friends were in the same situation and told me very plainly, “this was not the time where we get to vote. Our election cards would be sent to us the next year.” I would be 19 then though. What about my right to vote at the age of 18 then?

Still when I saw the news in the morning they said that we could vote if we were in possession of either of the following – pan card, ration card, bank passbook etc. I had all of the above. So, armed with my pan card and very excited, I strutted to the voting center with my parents.

Curse my bad luck or the badly working system but I was not allowed to vote since my name did not figure in the voting list. The advertisements blame the people for not voting but what about the lazy officials who delayed and failed to put my name on the list. After all 5 months is time enough. So I guess after my first bad experience with voting I wouldn’t be too excited the second time and now I won’t even blame the public for criticizing the government or for not voting. But still the Indian in me is ready to compromise and I’m now looking forward to voting for the “Assembly Elections”!