Friday, May 20, 2011

False Beliefs!

I would come under the category of the people who speak to their plants. Most people would think that it is just something that would irritate the plants but I’m sure they love me!

Just the other day I was singing a slow sweet song, standing in the balcony, while watering my plants. I noticed the stray dog that occasionally strays into our building, looking up at me and paying undivided attention to my song. I was thrilled by the fact that nature loved my voice, taking into consideration the new flowers that had bloomed from my rose shrub. I increased the pitch of my voice so that the dog wouldn’t have to strain his ears to listen to me. A couple of minutes later two other dogs joined him. I was ecstatic! I had magical powers!

My mom called me in to run some errands. I reluctantly left the center stage of attention and went inside. That night I had a weird dream. I was the one standing at the bottom of my balcony and waiting for something. There is a peculiar screeching noise coming from my home, I look up to see a dog and a few animated plants singing. The noise is so terrible that I call my other friends to laugh at the dog and the stupid plants who thought they could sing. When I woke up, I understood the meaning of my changed perspective.

That was mean!


Anonymous said...

Great post, Ankitha! :) Went through some other posts too. You write damn well! Keep blogging please.

Ankitha said...

Thanks Manali :)